Sign the petition and say "NO" to incinerating more waste in Beddington

The Liberal Democrat-approved Beddington Incinerator is trying to increase the amount of waste it burns. And the Environment Agency says it’s minded to approve it.

Sign the petition below and say "NO"!

An application has been submitted by Viridor to increase the amount of waste that is processed at the Beddington Incinerator. 

If approved, even more waste will be imported from outside our area to be incinerated at Beddington. 

The Beddington Incinerator was originally designed to treat up to 302,500 tonnes of waste. This application would allow it to take up to 382,000 tonnes per annum. This is a 26% increase in waste.

In the last 12 months slightly over 65,000 vehicle movements have been made to the incinerator. The draft proposed variation would increase projected vehicle movements to up to 76,000 per annum. This is a 17% increase in vehicle movements, further adding to the appalling traffic congestion Beddington Lane. 

The Liberal Democrat-run Council approved the Beddington Incinerator and has sat by whilst things have escalated there.

Now it’s your chance to register you views against the permit being changed and the incinerator burning more waste. Click here to access the review on the Environment Agency and to add your thoughts.

See here for Viridor's draft plans for more details (subject to potential changes before the consultation opens).

Sign my petition below and together we can show the Liberal Democrat-run Council and Viridor that we do not want even more waste brought to our area to be incinerated. 


Petition to Stop the Beddington Incinerator Expansion


Incinerator: Response from the Environment Agency

On Wednesday 18th October, I urgently contacted the Environmental Agency about a foul smell and the colour of the smoke leaving the incinerator. This is what happens when the Lib Dems let the incinerator get away with anything and have no scrutiny.

Raising the expansion of the Beddington Incinerator in Parliament

I wanted to use the opportunity of a question in the Commons Chamber to raise the issue of the Beddington Incinerator and especially the consultation that's just closed on expanding the amount of waste that's allowed to be burnt at the site.

Raising Incineration Concerns in Parliament

Plastic waste being incinerated - and its effects - at incinerators like our local one are becoming a greater concern. I recently raised these issues with Ministers.