Windborough Road Survey

I was in Windborough Road and Pine Ridge recently and many residents raised concerns about the corner of Windborough Road and Stanley Park Road.

Issues seem to include sight issues with cars parked both sides up until the bend in the road, and the speed at which cars approach the bend, with many residents clearly concerned about safety.

Many people have suggested the double yellow lines being extended from the bend down just one side of the last bit of Windborough Road to the corner with Stanley Park Road, and installing a 20mph zone with signage.

I have been speaking to your local councillors Moira Butt and Tim Crowley, as well as local campaigner Lynne Fletcher, about this issue, but I also want to hear from as many residents as possible in order to approach the Council to get a solution in place that residents support.

Please complete this survey and share your views.

Windborough Road Survey

  • Current Road Safety Survey
  • Your details
Have you experienced issues with the corner of Windborough Road and Stanley Park Road?
What is the primary issue you have experienced?
Would you support extending the double yellow lines from the bend on Windborough Road down to the corner of Stanley Park Road on one side?
Would you support making the road a 20mph zone?